Our catalogs

View our collection 2024-2025 You will find all ecological products in our Green Earth Products catalogs. All technical specifications are listed in it. If you have any questions about our products, please contact us. Our neutral catalogs with our collection You can show these catalogus to your customers, they are neutral without our Green Earth…

Our bags are SMETA certified

Our jute and juco bags are SMETA certified and therefore comply with sustainability legislation. SMETA is an audit that helps understand labor, health and safety, environmental performance and ethics standards at our manufacturer’s site. SMETA audits (Sedex Member Ethical Trade Audit), a standard that emerged from the Sedex multiparty consultations. SMETA is a standard for…

Green Earth Products is CO2 neutral

How Green Earth Products is thinking beyond carbon footprints In collaboration with EcoTree, Green Earth Products has purchased 183 sessile oak trees. Each tree is estimated to absorb 800 kg of CO2 over its lifetime while supporting the renewal of hectares of forests in Europe, including growing and reviving damaged ecosystems through biodiversity projects. The…

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Promotional Gift Award 2016 with the Jutbag

In the category Best Practice we won a prestigious international award: The promotional gift award! Together with our customer The Circular beach we have designed and produced a customized jute bag for the “De Grondstofjutters” project. To keep the Dutch beaches  clean, the circular beach bags have been  developed and are used to collect waste…

benefits of jute

Benefits of jute

We would love to tell you all about jute. Jute is a vegetable fiber that can be spun into strong threads. Jute is one of the cheapest natural fibers and in addition, after cotton, the most widely used. The plants from which jute is obtained occurs mainly in hot, humid areas as Bangladesh, China and…

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Jutten with jute

English Jutten with jute After a walk through the dunes it’s finally there: the sea! Delight the wind through your hair, snuggle the salty sea air and walk on your bare feet through the soft sand. A nice beach walk can only be disturbed in one way… waste. Fortunately, people are becoming more aware that…


Nominated for PSI Sustainability Awards 2016

Together with our client The Circular beach we have designed and produced a customized jute bag for the Project De Grondstofjutters project. The Dutch beaches are getting cleaner: the jute bags of Circulaire Stranden were developed for the collection of garbage in the Dutch coastal regions. “Jutten” means “finding stranded goods” so the eco-friendly jute…

ISO and ISA certified!

Our jute bags are manufactured according to the international certified quality management systems. Safety and quality are leading the way at Green Earth Products. We don’t only think it, we could also prove it. Because our manufacturer of jute bags in India is from 1st January 2016 ISO and SA certified! ISO and SA ISO 9001 quality management…